SAWMA Matters


SAWMA Matters Newsletter January 2019

 Breaking (new) Dawn:

A message from the new SAWMA President – Prof Dan Parker

With 2018 and the “silly season” something of the past, academics busy getting ready for the new academic year and managers furiously planning the activities on their reserves for the year, I thought it would be a good time to wish the SAWMA community all the best for the year ahead.

The 2018 SAWMA conference was, as usual, a great highlight for us all. A chance to “lock horns” with our old friends and colleagues on the scientific (and social) battlefield. Willem (I mean, Maartin 😊) did a fabulous job with the programme and including the invited speakers. For the first time in ages at a SAWMA conference (for me at least), there were no “dead sessions” meaning that I didn’t look at the programme and say: “Whoa, that looks boring, let me go and catch up on some emails in my chalet”. Well done Maartin and no pressure Jannie!

As we look ahead, we have our new Council for the 2019 to 2020 period. The team is dotted with old and new faces and I sincerely hope that during our tenure we will be able to take SAWMA to new heights. Certainly, the 2019 symposium in the southern Cape will be a wonderful lead-in for our 50-year celebrations the following year in the Kruger National Park. It is my hope that, as a Council, we will be able to respond to the current challenges in wildlife biology and wildlife management in South Africa and further afield and serve our membership well.

Please click on the following link to view our annual newsletter: SAWMA MATTERS January 2019



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