The FAIRALL AWARD for the best paper in the African Journal of Wildlife Research by a student author


The purpose of the FAIRALL AWARD is to recognise the research of up and coming students that have submitted a manuscript to the African Journal of Wildlife Research. For this recognition, SAWMA awards an annual prize to the best journal article by a student author. This award is named in recognition to the service that Neil Fairall gave to both SAWMA and the African Journal of Wildlife Research (previously South African Journal of Wildlife Research).


  • At the time of manuscript submission, the author needs to be a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at a Southern African University.
  • The student contributor should be the lead author indicating that they contributed significantly to the design, implementation and subsequent write-up of the paper.
  • The check box for the student award on the manuscript submission page should be selected during the submission process.
  • A cover letter from the supervisor of the student; nominating the student for the award.

Adjudication process

  • The winner is selected by the Associate Editors of the African Journal of Wildlife Research at the end of each year.

The award

The FAIRALL AWARD will be presented at the Annual SAWMA symposium each year. The winner of the award will receive;

  • Membership to SAWMA for a year,
  • Free registration and accommodation for the duration of the symposium,
  • The opportunity to present the paper at the annual symposium.

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