SAWMA Matters


Southgate Award

The Joan Southgate Travel Fund is open and is now accepting applications (

The principles to guide the selection of successful recipients from the fund are:

The travel will assist in sharing knowledge and skills in some aspect of conservation management between the two southern hemisphere regions
The travel for study should endeavour to provide broad-scale, low-intensity management solutions for the conservation of wildlife
The results will be presented to either SAWMA or AWMS annual conference.
Award Value
The award is available annually for members needing assistance to travel to the affiliate country for study. Funds are available for travel, living expenses and accommodation. Up to a maximum of $5000 plus support of registration fees for attendance of either an AWMS or SAWMA annual conference.

Selection Criteria
To be considered for this program, the applicant must:

Be a Masters, PhD student enrolled in a course related to wildlife management at a University or other tertiary institution, or an early career researcher in the Australasian/ Southern Africa region (Australasia includes Australia, New Zealand, Papua/New Guinea and the neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean);
Be a financial member of AWMS or SAWMA, for at least a year, at the time the application for the travel grant is submitted;
Submit a two-page summary of the proposed project outlining how the study will address the selection principles, the benefits the work provides to both the applicant the field of study, and how the project will be delivered
Complete an AWMS Travel Scholarship Declaration form (signed and dated by the applicant and the Head of their Faculty/School/Organisation);
Provide a statement of approval or support and authorisation for the applicant to undertake the research, signed by an appropriate representative of the host organisation.

Applicants must complete the application form and provide the following documentation:

A 500 word report of their study program/work experience to the AWMS/SAWMA Committee within one month of the completion of their travel grant;
A report on their study program/work experience in the AWMS/SAWMA newsletters immediately following the completion of their travel grant; and
A presentation at the AWMS or SAWMA annual conference immediately following the completion of their travel grant.

Please ensure you scan your completed declaration form along with your two-page summary, and statement of approval or support, into one document before beginning your online application.

Applicants for the study grant program will be assessed according to the quality of their applications (written communication, clear goals for the proposed study/work experience program, and provision of evidence that the study/work program is feasible), and the benefit the program will provide for their professional development in wildlife management.

Selection Committee
Will be comprised of at least 3-5 members:

Two representatives working in the wildlife conservation field as decided by the AWMS Executive Committee.
Two representatives working in the wildlife conservation field as decided by the SAWMA Executive Committee.
The selection committee’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Conditions of entry
The AWMS reserves the right not to award a grant (or grants) in any year if the entries are judged not to reach a minimum standard of quality of application, and/or benefit for the applicants’ professional development in wildlife management.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
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